Reisbureau Valkengoed
06 400 354 09
06 400 354 09
Reisbureau Valkengoed
06 400 354 09
06 400 354 09
Cluj Napoca, Romania

Cluj Napoca, Romania

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Cluj Napoca Romania

Cluj-Napoca is the second most populous city in Romania, after the national capital Bucharest, and the seat of Cluj County in the northwestern part of the country. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS - St. Michael's ChurcH. This Gothic architecture piece is one of the most valuable in Transylvania. - The Franciscan Church. - National Art Museum. - National Museum of Transylvanian History. - Emil Isac Memorial House. - The Central Park. - Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden - "Romulus Vuia" Ethnographic Park
Recommended airport
Cluj Napoca (CLJ)
Nearby destinations
  • Transylvania region a 0.57 km
  • Turda a 26.68 km